28 Aug 2015


A friend once asked me why Road Safety is Everyone's Responsibility? The following conversation is what ensued between us.

My Friend: Why is Road Safety Everyone's Responsibility? Me: Because we're all a stakeholder in the business of Road Safety. My Friend: Laughs... And ask what business, I am not in the transportation business. So what business are you talking about? Me: I simply answered. You don't have to be a transporter to have a stake in Road Safety, in fact, Road Safety is Everyone's Responsibility because we're all connected to the use of the road either as a driver, a passenger or a pedestrian - an extract from ACTIVATING #SAFETYWHENDRIVING.

What affects one can directly/indirectly affect the other. By this time my friend was shaking his head in total submission to my argument, but insisted, why should he take up the responsibility of a Road Safety corps/expert when he isn't one, then I argued further...

Well, that depends on the angle you're looking at it, as perception can sometimes be confusing because A & B might be looking at the same scenario differently. If you're looking at it from an area of expertise, that you're not a Road Safety expert, I will agree with you that it's none of your business cos everybody acquires a special skill/knowledge to specialize on something.

But, if it's from the point of daily activities on the Road Safety importance to survive and succeed, I bet to differ, as your day might be fruitless without using the road to move from one point to another safely. I can tell you is a heck you cannot afford to toy with - it's importance to your daily survival cannot be over emphasized.
Road Safety is therefore a path that takes you through your everyday journey, ensures your safety within its safety guidelines and helps you in achieving your goals of moving safely from one point to another.  

Why Road Safety is everyone's responsibility?
1. Road Safety is everyone's responsibility because the road is a path where we all connect [use the road] to get to our various destinations. And if we do not use the road rightly and properly, problem such as accident happens. This African proverb puts it rightly, "when birds travel without coordination, they beat each other's wing".  This is the case when we fail to live up to our responsibility of sharing the road responsibly. Sharing the road is not only a responsibility of all road users, but sharing it legally, with total concentration behind the wheel, due consideration for other road users, reasonable speed and driving without recklessness.

2. Road Safety, as the word implies, encompasses all the acts that can keep you safe on the road. These are laid down guidelines in vehicle maintenance and road traffic regulations on how to drive safe. However, they're actions you must perform properly and regularly to ensure your safety and safety of others. So, if everyone follows the dictates of Road Safety, our roads become safe to walk and drive on.

This third & last part is borrowed from Wikipedia to buttress and complete my point as I have read it prior to now in the course of Road Safety research.

3. Road traffic safety refers to methods and measures for reducing the risk of a person using the road network for being killed or seriously injured. The users of a road include pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, their passengers, and passengers of on-road public transport, mainly buses and trams.

Best-practice road safety strategies focus upon the prevention of serious injury and death crashes in spite of human fallibility[1] (which is contrasted with the old road safety paradigm of simply reducing crashes assuming the road user compliance with traffic regulations). Safe road design is now about providing a road environment which ensures vehicle speeds will be within the human tolerances for serious injury and death wherever conflict points exist.

1 comment:

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