17 Jun 2015


This write up is simple thought and wouldn't be simpler than what you already know. But the thought will do good, if we make it one of our topmost priorities, and it comes as a question. "Do we ever think about our safety before we drive?"
 For me the answer is a capital "NO" because we have been so much consume in our daily struggles that we forget about the word "safety" as if it means nothing to our every day existence.

Subconsciously, nobody wants to die, let alone been in the hospital. If we always think about our safety, the thought about the beauty of life and the grace of been among the living always come to mind and the thought of crash(es) that can possibly happen as a result of unsafe driving, we wont engage in all the acts that as been characterized as deadly on the road.                                                                                                                                            

This idea was born out of an experience I had on my way home from work when I saw a cyclist riding on the highway around 8pm at night and I thought to myself, ''what was he thinking''. Whatever it is that prompted his action, he wouldn't think a bit that he was on a possible suicide mission. It then struck me that we don't really think of either our own safety or what can possibly happen to other road users in case of any eventualities. If we really had been conscious of ''our safety on othe road" no driver will engaged in the following deadly acts;

Over speeding 
Drunk driving 
Distracted driving 
Violation of traffic laws

Before you double your speed because you're late for your appointment. ''Think'' of the possibilities that could result from it eventuality. Such as, getting wheeled to the hospital or perhaps morgue instead of the place of your appointment. To overcome this deadly habit. Leave sooner, drive slower to live longer because normal speed meets every needs. 

Before you drink and drive ''think'' of the beauty of life, the grace that you are among the living, the joy that your family is expecting you back home or think that you could kill somebody or and end up in jail. The choice of driving sober or get pulled to the hospital or jail is yours. 

Any time your phone rings. ''Think'', does it really what anwering? If it does. park at a safe place to answer your call. But if it doesn't, let it go, it can wait. It doesn't what the troubles of an accident. 

Before you violate traffic laws. ''Think'' of your safety and the safety of other road users. It is design for your safety and guidance. Always remember this, you can't get home unless you are safe

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